On May 31st I had a treatment done for my thyroid called
Radioactive Iodine.The name sounds a lot worse than it really was, but basically I swallowed a pill containing radioactive iodine which will attach itself to my thyroid and kill off part of it. I have an overactive or hyper thyroid, so my thyroid works too hard and creates too many hormones. I was unsure this was what I wanted to do, but after spending the day at
MCV and seeing a great Dr, Dr. Fratkin, I was convinced this was the best option. The problem with this treatment is that it makes the person radioactive for several weeks, but the first few days you have more radiation that other people should be around. So, Chris took the boys to his parents river house for the weekend so we could avoid any possible contamination. Childrens thyroids are much smaller and more susceptible.
So, I have been home alone since Thursday night. At first, I was excited about the prospect of having some alone time. Being a Stay At Home Mom, I am with the boys all the time and that can be very tiring. After waking up Friday morning though, I missed my boys. Now, here I am Saturday morning and I'm not sure how I am going to make it through another day! The boys are coming home tomorrow and I can not wait to see them. I know it was for the best, but I can not wait to hug my boys! Just shows me that no matter how hard my days can be sometimes with taking care of the boys, I couldn't live with out them. When they aren't with me, I feel like a part of me is missing.