About Me

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Midlothian, VA, United States
A SAHM learning to live in a world of boys and not go crazy!

Friday, July 27, 2007

5 years

5 years ago today, Chris & I were married. I can not believe today is our 5 year wedding anniversary. These past 5 years have flown by and brought so much to us. Looking back, I don't think we had any idea what was in store for us. Here we are 5 years, 2 children, and 2 moves later! I wouldn't change it for the world. :)

I would leave you with a wedding picture, but we don't seem to have any on the computers anymore and since we don't have a scanner that works, I have no way of getting them online.


Amber said...

Great pic of the boys- and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

Andrea said...

happy anniversary. Did you and Chris do anything? Ours is in September and I am looking for ideas.