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Midlothian, VA, United States
A SAHM learning to live in a world of boys and not go crazy!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Plays well with others

On November 13th I had a parent/teacher conference with Hayes' preschool teacher. For the most part he got a glowing report. He knows all his shapes, colors, letters and numbers. He is one of the only kids in the class who can write their name. And the teacher said he is pretty quiet in class and plays well with the other kids! I was a little surprised by this, because he is not quiet at home and he also does not play well with Bryce. I'm sure thats a different situation though, especially considering Bryce is his little brother.

We do need to work on some of his self help skills. He can not or will not wash his hands on his own for some reason and potty training, well it basically doesn't exist. I have tried so many things to spark his interest in that and he is slowly becoming more interested. Hopefully one day soon he will decide he is ready.

The last thing she told me was that he refuses to answer a direct question. She will ask him what his first and last name are and he refuses to answer her! Now, she and I both know he knows his first and last names, but as usual my little boy is stubborn! Everything must be his idea! Oh well, hopefully he will grow out of that soon. :)

I leave you with a picture (above) taken last week at the Children's Museum of Richmonds new Dinosaur exhibit.

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