About Me

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Midlothian, VA, United States
A SAHM learning to live in a world of boys and not go crazy!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Health Update

I have 2 health related updates.

First, Bryce seems to have gotten over his ear infection finally. He had one injection of Rocephin a couple of weeks ago and after a check this past Friday the infection has cleared up after 4 weeks and 3 rounds of antibiotics! The next step would have been a visit with an ENT and the possibility of having tubes put in his ears, but for now we are clear from having to do that. :)

My second health update, is for myself. As most of you know I underwent Radioactive Iodine treatment for an overactive thyroid problem at the end of May. I talked with my Endocrinologist yesterday and it appears the treatment is working! I am not in normal ranges yet, but my levels are decreasing which is a good sign! Now, we just have to wait another 2 months to see if the treatment did its job. As of right now, I am no longer on any medications! :)


Andrea said...

Hi there :0)
I didn't know about your thyroid issue but glad that the treatment is working for you.

Amber said...

Glad to hear the treatment seems to be working! Hope it continues to be favorable and keep you med-free!!