Of course the big box that the kitchen set came in was also very popular.
Christmas Eve, Hayes got ready for Santa by leaving out a plate of cookies and carrots for him and his reindeer.
Christmas morning we spent some time as a family so the boys could open their presents from us and Santa and we had a big breakfast, where Bryce had monkey bread for the first time! :) Santa brought Hayes a rocket ship playset and Bryce a Sesame Street camper playset. Hayes got a set of wooden blocks from us and Bryce got a toy piggy bank that counts, sings, etc.
After we opened presents at home and had breakfast we headed over to Mom Mom & Pop's house to open presents with Chris' whole family. The boys of course got spoiled there. We also stopped by Sid & Regina Jones' house for the annual brunch. Later that day Mom Mom made dinner at our house for all of us, Pop, Aunt Beth and Eli, Aunt Beth's friend. We had a wonderful Christmas, but were exhausted by the end of the day.
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